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Saturday, December 22, 2007

free proxy connection

Hay sobat, saat dikampus akses internet lo dibatasi y alias diblog ama admin yang pinter pinter ce ile:-). Lo mau agar lo dapet ngakses intrnet meski di block ma admin caranya gampang cah. Piye???

Yang pertama lo harus janji doloe bahwa meski bisa koneksi lo tetap fokus ama kuliah or praktikum lo and jangan buka situs orang miskin and bego2 ya!!!

caranya mudah lo pake konsep anonymouse aja bagi lo yang ngambil jur IT mesti faham tu! lo pake alamt proxy international aja dan catatan cari yang hight anonymouse meski diblock ma admin tetep aja lo bisa koneksi kecuali kalo koneksi ma ISP di putus alias bener2 gak koneksi ma internet he..he di gunung kale!!

sebelumnya lo harus tau macam macam type proxy
proxy types:

Transparent proxy
-iIs one of the methods to force users to use proxy within local network. They use proxy without awareness, so they do not know even that in fact they use proxy. Such proxy is not even configuring by users.
Anonymous - It is a proxy server which is free and open for everybody on the Internet. There is quite a large number of public proxy servers in many countries but most of them are not anonymous.
High anonymity (elite proxy) - High Anonymous (real anonymous!) proxy servers don't transfer the information about the IP-address of the client, and thus effectively hide the information about you and your surfing interests. Besides that, some proxy servers can also hide the very fact that you are surfing through a proxy server! Anonymous proxies can be used for all kinds of Web-services, such as Web-Mail (MSN Hot Mail, Yahoo mail), web-chat rooms, FTP archives, etc.

gue punya dikit alamat proxy hight anonymouse neh: port:80 Taiwan (cory ni anonymouse bisa) port:8080 Israel(elite/hight anonymouse) port:3128(ini kebawah prosy elite spain) port:3128 port:8080 port:8080

kalao mau yang lebih banyak lo search aja pada search engine diatas letik free proxy yang da dalam kotak news kabeh...he..he:-)
met nyoba fren eh friends

1 comment:

Youthanesia said...

Ni aku nemuin Free Proxy lumayan ampuh...
coba aja di :